We believe that a solid ministry is built on relationships between adults and students. Relationships are key to students feeling loved and understanding God's love in practical ways. This is when real spiritual growth takes place in a student's life.
Did you know that 64% of students choose to follow Christ before the age of 18? It is mind blowing to know that 1 in 3 young people grow up without a mentor (without a positive influence). Without anybody showing them what it means to be a Godly man, woman, husband, or wife. I believe that a solid ministry is built on Jesus first and second is relationships between leaders and students.
On this the last day of 2015 many of us will take a moment to look back on the year. The ups and downs, highs and lows. For us at Rise it has been a year we will never forget. A year of extreme challenge, and extreme faith, followed by incredible miracles. It's been a year of pioneering! Walking in obedience on the path God has set out before us. Together we are learning what it means to be the church, and together we are building a community that loves and serves God, as we love and serve people.