In Matthew chapter 26 we read that Jesus directed His disciples to prepare Passover Supper. This was a strong tradition and still is for many Jewish people. What is interesting is how Jesus took this as an opportunity to show His disciples and us that HE is the new and last passover lamb. That His body would be broken and His blood would be shed in order to save the entire world from sin and death. Jesus used something that we do every day, eat a meal and told his followers to “do this as often as you can”.

Today most modern Christians will take communion on special occasions or possibly monthly or weekly. But have we missed the real purpose behind this sacred yet simple act? The purpose of communion to to REMEMBER Jesus. Would you ever put a limit to how often you would remember someone you loved? Taking communion is much more than a religious act. It is a relational act to remember the one who gave His life for us. We should do it as often as we can not to meet a “quota” but because we desire to never forget such a selfless sacrifice.

So as we take communion in our homes with our family I encourage you to make a meal and sit around the table together with those you love. Reflect on the goodness of God and give thanks for all He has given. Then tune in online this Sunday as our Pastors lead us through communion together as a church family. We know this may be a bit different than what we are used to, but we also know that usually when we find ourselves outside of our comfort zones, God is right there ready to meet us.

Here’s a quick list to help you prepare for communion…

Ways to Watch



Watch this video to learn more!


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