As we approach the Easter season it is good to remember a Christian practice that dates back to the apostolic times. Lent is a time of preparation and fasting starting on Ash Wednesday and leading up to Easter. Christians have used this time for reflection and repentance for thousands of years. The western church, especially in America gradually drifted away from this practice due to an increase of individualism, but recently has rediscovered the beauty and power of corporate fasting and prayer leading up to Easter. Although we do not consider the practice of Lent as a requirement for our faith, we understand the power of prayer and that reflecting on the suffering of Jesus prepares our heart in such a way to receive the gift of salvation through the Cross that we celebrate on Easter Sunday.

This year, more than ever we find ourselves in the midst of trials and sufferings that our generation has never experienced before. It is tempting to fall into despair and hopelessness as we look at the state of the world around us. But as followers of Christ we know that there is hope, even in the darkness. We know there is joy in the midst of suffering. Now more than ever our faith is tested. Will we put our hope in the Lord who promises to lead us and provide all that we need? Will we surrender our control and lay our fears at His feet? Will we look to the future with hope that we find in Jesus, believing that His kingdom will reign forever. 

Starting this week we are inviting our entire church family to join together for a special season of prayer and fasting. We will be following a daily devotion on the Stations of the Cross starting the week of February 15 and ending the week after Easter. If you would like to participate…

  1. Find a few people to join you, whether they are a part of the church or not. You can also do this devotional with your Community Group.

  2. Download the eBook, “Singing at Midnight” by Skye Jethani. 

  3. Pick a start date.

  4. Meet daily, weekly or monthly with your group to discuss what God is showing you and to pray together.
