We are very excited to finally worship together, IN-PERSON this Sunday, November 1 at our Worship Gathering! In order to keep the most vulnerable in our community safe we are implementing some basic Social Distancing Guidlines for all those planning to attend the Worship Gathering…

  1. Please wear a mask.

  2. Greet each-other at a safe distance. Air Fives, Fist Bumps and Elbow Taps are great alternatives!

  3. Your temperature will be checked upon arrival.

  4. Sanitize your hands at our sanitizing station.

  5. Allow our welcome team to check you in.

  6. In order to make sure everyone is safely distanced our ushers will be guiding everyone to their seats. We ask that you keep 3 seats between you and the next family.

  7. Be sure to bring your own coffee as we will not be providing coffee or snacks at this time.

  8. Childcare will NOT be provided at this gathering. We ask that you keep your children with you during the service.

We know everyone is excited to see each other, but in order for us to begin gathering on a more consistent basis, it is important that we all cooperate with these guidelines. A little patience and a good attitude will help ensure we all stay safe and have a wonderful night of worship and fellowship. If you have any additional questions or concerns please email info@risecommunity.org.
