Dear Church Family,

On March 3 the tour bus that myself (Pastor Pete), Marco and Brian were on during the Tour was in a devastating accident. By the Grace of God everyone was miraculously spared. The driver was pinned around all sides with metal bars inches from taking his life. He walked out on his own strength. The young people who are part of this ministry serving others for no pay, obedient to God’s call, they have lost there food, personal possessions, clothes, shoes, and essentials. As I and the others pulled ourselves through the emergency exit on the roof of the bus, a car on fire burned along side, pouring icy rain falling on a seen of devastation. With great emotion and sincere thankfulness we praised God. Like Paul who was shipwrecked, bitten by poisonous snakes, stoned and left for dead.... God intervened! I am asking that we rally behind all of the City Rock Fest 2019 bands involved in this accident to pray and raise funds to replace the bus, trailer and equipment lost. Please keep everyone in your prayers as we continue this amazing ministry, reaching thousands of people, young and old around the country through music and the Gospel message.

After an amazing night where I witnessed a church full of people in tears praying and praising and responding to the Gospel message, I was personally moved to tears as Joe shared his testimony and called to God’s people to turn their hearts to Him! The Holy Spirit filled me anew, with Hope and a renewed call to proclaim Jesus to this broken world. All the time not knowing what I would personally face Only hours latter. Then to see how these faithful men and women of God facing the total loss of all they have and a possible end to their 20 plus years of ministry wore the joy and love of the Lord on their faces refusing to give up and trusting even more on the miraculous power of God.  As I stood with them The Holy Spirit spoke to me a word for the church! Now is the Time To Rise! Churches all over have started to help meet the needs and to continue the good fight. Church members from over 3 hours away drove to meet us and help us, a bus has been sent to continue the tour and now I call on all my brothers and sisters to Rise up and be the church! To truly love God as we love people! To be the hands and feet of Jesus! Church Now is the time to rise!

We have set up a special tax-deductible fund to help with band essential items & transportation. Click the link below to make a donation to this special fund.

A Recent Show - Preaching the Gospel

